I was walking in Kolkata. Monsoon time. This little girl was waiting under the light rain to cross the busy Jawaharlal
Nehru road, a big artery of Kolkata. She was going in the direction of the Maiden's, a big park.
In 1690, the site of Calcutta was chosen by Job Charnok, an agent of the East India Company, for a British trade settlement.
The place was carefully selected, being protected by the Hooghly River on the west, a creek to the north, and by salt lakes
about two and a half miles to the east.
There were three large villages along the east bank of the iver Ganges, named, Sutanuti, Gobindapur and Kalikata.
These three villages were bought by the British from local land lords. The Mughal emperor granted the East India
Company freedom of trade in return for a yearly payment of 3,000 rupees.
An exhibition I had in England last fall